Enrichment for Dogs & Why You Need It

For many of our Wags to Wiskers customers, holiday season can be somewhat stressful! Lots of things to think about and prepare for, family coming and going, big meals to plan out, and often uncooperative weather. Among all of these things, the dog or dogs still need to get their walks and their activity, and unfortunately sometimes they are the ones who are a bit neglected! It’s not our customers fault, it’s just a busy time of year for everybody!

Wags to Wiskers Canine Enrichment

So what can we do about it? How can we keep our dogs active, stimulated, and also out of the way of all of these crazy comings and goings?

Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies is extremely excited to announce the beginning of our partnership with Hannah Ashmore of Longsnouts Dog Training! One of Ann Arbor’s best professional dog trainers, Hannah has been working with dogs and their owners for well over a decade. On November 18th at our Chelsea location (1192 S. Main St, Chelsea, MI, 48118) from 2:00PM - 3:00PM, join us for our first (not her first!) Boredom Buster on canine enrichment and how you can strike a balance this holiday season between your own busy life and your dog’s needs and wants! There are more details on our events page on the Wags to Wiskers website, or you can buy a ticket on the Facebook event and RSVP!

So What’s the Ticket Worth?

Hannah will be speaking to educate on the importance of canine enrichment to our Ann Arbor and Chelsea dog owners. She will also be telling our registered guests about some DIY ways to mentally stimulate dogs especially regarding meals and snacks.

There will also be some time for guided shopping, as every dog has a different personality and different likes and needs when it comes to toys, foods, and enrichment activities. Please use this opportunity to learn from our Longsnouts rep as much as you’d like!

Every ticket includes:

  • Knowledge on what canine enrichment is and how it benefits your dog, you, and your relationship.

  • A redeemable coupon for $5 off every $25 spent at Wags to Wiskers

  • A brand new Kong toy for your furiend

  • Recipes, how-to’s, and industry favorites

  • Guided shopping in Wags to Wiskers to pick out the best toys, treats, and foods for your dog based on their personality, breed, and size!

  • Literature on all of the above

What is Canine Enrichment?

We’ve all seen it before, that sweet-but-overexcited young pup who spends a lot of time inside and makes the term “hyper” seem appropriate for a sloth.  The obvious solution being: more exercise.  It is commonly understood that physical activity is critical to a dog’s health, but the importance of mental stimulation as a contributor to overall well-being is less commonly understood.  Thanks to the study of canine behavioral science in recent decades, it is now known that dogs need both their bodies and minds engaged on a daily basis.  This mental stimulation is often referred to as “enrichment.”

One of the best ways to keep our pups cognitively engaged is through food games and puzzles. It's mentally stimulating and often exhausting. Teaching patience, focus, and how to navigate lack of immediate gratification, 'enrichment' can help teach critical life skills, too.

Without giving away all of Hannah’s presentation, we can say with certainty that enrichment activities can teach dogs patience, the value of delayed gratification vs. instant gratification, focus, and the value of downtime and relaxation! Perfect for the upcoming winter and holiday craziness when you have other things to focus on!

So we hope to see you there! Check out the event on Facebook and please RSVP!