10 New Years Resolutions for You & Your Pet

10 New Years Resolutions for You & Your Pet

Christmas has gone but we haven’t! Our hivemind at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies is always working to bring you the best tips, advice, ideas, and all-around content to improve the life of your pet, with your help! We did take a few days off this Christmas, but we’re back and looking forward to 2019 with 10 New Years Resolutions for you and your pet! Because goals aren’t just for humans, and your pets can help you achieve yours, and together you can make 2019 your best year yet. Don’t forget we are more than happy to help in any way we can at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies! Stop by a store and speak with an associate for any help regarding these measures, or reach out to us on our social channels!

10 New Years Resolutions for You & Your Pet

Wags to Wiskers New Years Resolutions
  1. More Playtime!

    Regardless of what your pet’s age is, they will enjoy spending some more quality time with their favorite human. Try to incorporate a bit of playtime/exercise into your daily routine and spend some quality time with your pet. At Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies we always assert that spending some time outside with your furry friend is never a bad thing and will go a long way to making you happier and healthier as well. One of our customers even said that they put “doggy playtime” into their to-do list to make sure it gets checked off! We love the commitment :)

  2. Choose an Age-Appropriate Diet

    Young pets that are growing quickly have very specific nutrient requirements to ensure their bodies grow healthy and strong. Alternatively, some senior pets may have lower energy requirements, but have other medical issues like degenerative joint disease that may be helped with the appropriate diet. Choosing a food, food formula, supplements, and overall diet specifically tailored to your pet’s life stage and lifestyle is a great way to keep them in optimal health. For more personalized help on something like this, stop by your local Ann Arbor (2425 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103) or Chelsea (1192 S. Main St, Chelsea, MI, 48118) Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies in southeast Michigan and speak with one of our expert sales associates.

  3. Oral Hygiene Habits!

    This is one you can practice together! Did you know that simply implementing daily or weekly flossing can improve and extend the life of your teeth and gums by several decades? And save you some serious money down the road? Our dentists told us, but we also know that from experience with our pets! We’ve seen too many pets with missing or rotten teeth, and the best way to prevent that discomfort and expense down the road is to start a teeth brushing habit TODAY! Use a toothpaste that’s appropriate for your dog or cat as some human toothpastes have additives that can be toxic for pets. If you can add this to your pet’s routine, you’ll go a long way toward saving your pet from unfortunate veterinary diagnoses in the future!

  4. Get Serious About Food Measuring

    If you aren’t already, start using a measuring cup to dole out food. Simply eyeballing the amount is a great way to get your cat or dog’s weight to fluctuate. Ensure that your pet’s caloric intake is standardized and under control by using an 8 oz measuring cup.

  5. Make a Vet Date

    Yes, you too should get a checkup with your doctor once a year. Your furiend is no different! Yearly examinations are the best way to ensure that any issues are addressed early or preemptively, and in aging dogs vets will be able to test for and diagnose early onset of arthritis, diabetes, or kidney issues. Although we are not veterinarians at Wags to Wiskers, we have decades of experience in the pet industry and around pets and we pride ourselves on giving good advice - but we are not veterinarians and you and your pet should see an expert at least once a year!

  6. Groom Daily

    There are a lot of reasons to brush your pet. It removes excess fur from floating around your house, it distributes essential oils from the skin throughout the fur to improve fur strength and shininess, and it is a bonding activity (whether they like it or not) between you and your pet. You shower daily (most of the time) right? You wouldn’t make a New Years Resolution to shower less right? Your pets will benefit from daily grooming, and if they don’t like it now, maybe they will come to!

  7. Try a New Activity with your Pet

    Fun, out of the box things you can try with your pets in 2019: dog yoga, kayaking, hiking, camping, etc. It may be difficult at first, but it only gets easier if you keep doing it! Keep that in mind with any New Years Resolution for you and your pet. Activities like these are a great way to bond, get you both out of the house, stay active, and meet other like-minded people! If you want to get involved in any of these, speak with a Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies associate and we will connect you with people in Ann Arbor or Chelsea, or the surrounding areas, that can get you engaged.

  8. Consider Fostering a Pet

    We know this is a big commitment in relation to the other New Years Resolutions for you and your pet, but truly this is a smaller, shorter commitment than getting another pet. Many of our local partners (animal shelters, rescue organizations) need foster parents and loving homes to provide safe and temporary living situations for animals in need. Again, speak with a Wags to Wiskers associate and we can point you to our favorite organizations that are making a huge impact in local pet communities every year.

  9. Teach an Old Dog a New Trick

    The truth is, you CAN teach an old dog a new trick, it just takes a bit more time. Dogs love to please, so give it a shot. Mental stimulation can also improve their cognitive functions, even at an older age, so it’s beneficial to keep their brain stimulated. In addition to teaching new tricks, consider keeping them active with boredom busters, canine enrichment activities, and treat puzzles! We just had a class on them with our friends at Longsnouts, so if you need some help in this area we’d be happy to share some products and info with you!

  10. Update your Pet ID

    If you’ve moved, gotten a new phone number, or changed your name then it’s important not to forget about this information for your pet’s microchip! It’s the best way to get your pet back if something bad were to happen, so don’t let this one slip by. It is super important to at least spend a moment thinking about if anything has changed.

Wags to Wiskers New Years Resolution

Well folks that’s it! Cheers to a happy, healthy, successful 2019 and don’t forget to set some goals for you and your pet! We’ll see you next year :)