Winter Essentials for Dog Owners
Walking your dogs in the winter doesn’t have to be torture. Check out this tiny infographic from Pets + Us.
We 100% agree that this month is still the perfect time to walk your pet! For those of you with weight loss goals in the new year, walking outside while it’s cold out is a huge benefit for you! If you’ve brought your essentials and are moving quickly, you’ll keep your heart rate up and you might even sweat a little! Your dog can get the cardio in too. Here’s our list of winter essentials for dog owners:
Paw Protection
Hugely important for dogs! Prevent ice and snow from lodging in your dog’s paw pads, as well as aggravating any nicks or cuts they might get as a result from walking. Beyond paw balm and rub, we’ve also got booties and doggie mittens at your local Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies stores in the Ann Arbor, MI area (2270 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103) or the Chelsea, MI area (1192 S. Main St, Chelsea, MI, 48118). Stop in and ask an associate if you need help, and feel free to bring in your dog and we can assist you in trying some on!
Toby, shot by Niki Artinian at our Holiday Pawty
Doggie Sweater/Jacket
You wouldn’t go out into sub-zero temperatures without a jacket would you?! Despite the thick fur of some breeds, dogs can still benefit from a sweater or jacket. Jackets are especially useful for thick, wet snow (or winter mixes that turn to rain and ice) due to their waterproof nature. The last thing you want for your cold dog is to be wearing a soaking wet sweater.
We have a great selection of doggie sweaters and jackets here at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies in Ann Arbor and Chelsea. If you need assistance fitting them, just ask! We’d be more than happy to help.
Hand Warmers
The best way to walk your dog outside is to armor up to the point where the cold doesn’t even bother you. Gloves, waterproof boots, long underwear, hat, scarf, and hand/toe warmers. Hand and toe warmers are pretty cheap in bulk and your extremities are the first thing to get cold when you go outside. Pop a couple of these on top of your feet or in your gloves and you’ll be good to go. They stay warm for hours so you might even be able to get two walks in with them!
Having warmer hands and feet allow you to maintain your footing, stay focused on your pet, and keep ahold of your leash better than if they were sapping your attention due to cold.
Pet-Friendly Ice Melt
Salt is a nightmare for dog paws in icy conditions, but that doesn’t mean you can or should let ice and snow gather around your back porch, front steps, sidewalk, or driveway. Since Michigan’s laws require homeowners to shovel their sidewalk, this not only benefits your pets but your neighbors as well!
We carry a few different types of paw-friendly ice melt, but we highly endorse Paw Thaw product as a winter essential for dog owners. It’s non-toxic, easy to use, and super effective. We’ve got a ton of it and your dog will thank you - and your wallet might from reduced vet treatments too!
Doggie Towels
According to our customers, one of the biggest detractors from winter dog walking is the ice and snow clumps that get stuck to their fur. Sweaters and jackets can really help with that. Despite those products, it’s a good idea to have a doggie towel handy by your dog’s entrance to the house to prevent most of the slush, ice, and snow they will inevitably track in.
Having a towel by the door for wiping off paws and a doormat to shake off excess snow is certainly helpful. We’ve got a few heavy-duty towels with special grooves and cushions that are meant for dog fur, just grab an associate and ask about them! You can always use a human towel too.
Winter Essentials for Dog Owners
So, those are some of our winter essentials for dog owners. One or two for humans and a handful for the dogs that we love so much. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you and your dog have to refrain from the outdoors! Most dogs love the snow and it’s a great opportunity for them to enjoy the extra exercise, and you can too with these winter essentials for dog owners.