March is Poison Prevention Awareness month! And our Wags Fam knows that our team here at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies always has their pet’s health in mind. In this PUPDATE, we’ll go over some poison prevention need-to-know items as well as provide some additional resources for our pet parents.
Poison Prevention for Pets
Let’s start out with some helplines that should be saved in your phone’s contact information. If you come home to find that your pill bottles have been broken into and emptied by a pet, you don’t want to waste time having to look up these numbers. Here’s what we recommend
Your local veterinarian’s number
ASPCA Poison Control Helpline: (888) 426-4435
Pet Poison Helpline: (855) 764-7661
It’s worth noting that a consultation fee applies for the poison control helplines. ASPCA’s fee is unlisted, whereas the Pet Poison Helpline begins at $59. We also think it’s worth saying that paying this price is far preferable than the alternative price.
Need To Knows
Poison prevention for pets all comes down to understanding the variables at play. Does your dog or cat climb and get into things? Have you built habits that deter or aid them in their endeavors, such as closing doors or locking cabinets or pushing items to unreachable places on countertops? Much of this is your responsibility as a pet parent. Obviously, your dog or cat doesn’t know the things that are most poisonous for them.
Foods Dogs and Cats Cannot Eat:
Most allium vegetables (garlic, onions, etc) are toxic to household pets
Grapes, raisins, avocados, cherries, nightshade family of plants.
Mushrooms, garlic, onions, chives, rhubarb.
Macadamia nuts, chocolate, caffeine, ice cream, alcohol, xylitol, raw yeast dough, and nutmeg.
Most Common Ways Pets are Poisoned:
Household chemicals (bleach, pesticide, antifreeze, detergents, etc)
These are what we would call “high severity” poisons for canines. Avoid these at all costs. Your local Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies stores in the Ann Arbor, MI area (2270 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103), the Chelsea, MI area (1192 S. Main St, Chelsea, MI, 48118), or the Ludington, MI area (4815 W. US-10, Ludington, MI, 49431) all carry dog-friendly ice cream and plenty of different types of dog treats and chews that are better than human foods. Stop by and ask a staff member for assistance if you need it, we are always looking to help!
Poison Prevention Strategies for Pets
Some of the best strategies are the most obvious but bear repeating for the sake of the health of our pets.
Always keep poison control hotlines and contact information readily available. In an emergency, time is of the essence. Having an understanding of what plants, foods, and chemicals are poisonous for your pets make your own housekeeping better by having more informed decisions when it comes to organizing shelves, closets, the kitchen, and so on.
Don’t leave harmful things out - no need to tempt your pets. Understanding your pet’s behavior and willingness to go the extra mile to get into things is also important. If your pet naturally digs and eats for things, you need to take extra precautions by closing and/or petproofing (simple locking) doors and cabinets.
Preparing a pet first aid kit isn’t a bad idea either. Check out our resource on 6 pet first aid kit essentials to get started.
Additional Resources
Doing your own research can only benefit you and your pets. Here are a few online resources that we trust.
Fuzzy Rescue: Toxic Foods Dogs Can’t Eat (HIGHLY DETAILED!)
ASPCA: People Foods to Avoid Feeding to your Pet
Hill’s Pet: Toxic Food for Cats
Poison Prevention for Pets
In conclusion, poison prevention for pets comes down to being aware of the situations and circumstances and properly preparing for those situations. We recommend that you take the household precautions of ensuring that toxic foods, chemicals, and medications are properly stored away from curious furry paws. Our Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies team also recommends that you have a pet first aid kit prepared. Last, do your separate research! The more you know the better off your pet will be!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any questions, online or in person, for assistance in these matters. We work hard to be the best place for pet supplies in Ann Arbor, Chelsea, and Ludington and go beyond offering just supplies. We offer aid, assistance, resources, advice, tips, and decades of combined experience and knowledge of pets and the pet industry! Try us.