Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets at Home

When it comes to owning a pet, it’s essential to learn about the proper diet they need to keep them healthy and strong. Food is an integral part of your pet's lives, which is why aside from feeding them the right food, it’s common to see your dog or cat waiting along the sidelines, asking for more while you’re eating your meals.

Although you’re capable of providing healthy pet food, you might still feel bad whenever you can’t share what you’re eating to your pets. Regardless, it’s crucial to note that not all kinds of food are suitable for your dogs or cats!

There are particular types of food that can affect their health, leading to complications if left untreated. If you want to find out the food to avoid giving your pets, keep reading below.

Grapes and Raisins

Even if they might seem like healthy products, grapes and raisins are bad for cats and dogs. When consumed, it can cause acute kidney failure and, in worst cases, death. Dried grapes are especially best to avoid for your pets because they can cause extreme health problems. 

While it remains unknown what the specific chemical found in grapes and raisins is that can affect your dogs' health, it’s better to avoid feeding them no matter how little they are. Once your pets do consume them, the effects can be seen within a day or two.

Other health issues your pets can encounter with grapes and raisins involve high blood pressure, restlessness, hypertension, excessive panting, agitation, nausea and vomiting, uncontrollable bowel movement, and even seizures. If you notice your pets experiencing any of these, contact a local vet immediately.

Caffeinated Food Products

Any food or beverage that contains caffeine, like coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks, are prohibited for your pets because they can lead to caffeine toxicity and cause health issues. No matter how little they consume, it will still affect your dogs or cats.

The adverse effects of caffeine will depend on the weight of your pet and how much they accidentally take. So if you live in a household with dogs or cats, it would help if you keep caffeine away from your pets and store them in a safe place that they can’t reach.

The signs your pet has consumed caffeine are similar to the symptoms they get once they consume other kinds of food that’s bad for them. That’s why it would help if you visit pet supplies centers near you so you can look for products your pets can freely consume instead.


Chocolate, no matter how sweet, can affect your pets negatively. The same goes for dark chocolate because it contains theobromine, a chemical similar to caffeine, which is just as bad for dogs and cats.

It’s also best to avoid giving your pets any food that contains cocoa powder or milk chocolate. The amount of chocolate toxicity will depend on the type of chocolate your dog ingests and your pet's size. Once they eat chocolate, it will usually take between a few hours to develop the signs and can last for days.

Your dog's symptoms to indicate they may have eaten chocolate include vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, abnormal urination, increased heart rate, panting and restlessness, change in body temperature, and seizures. Relying on a healthy pet store to supply you with the proper food for your dogs is your best bet. 


While your pets can still be treated the moment they consume food that’s bad for them, it’s vital to contact a veterinarian at the first sign of trouble. For best results, it’s crucial to make an effort to avoid feeding your dog or cat all the toxic food stated above so you won’t have to deal with any problems in the future.

Are you looking for a local pet store in Chelsea for all your pet needs? Wags to Wiskers is a community-based pet supplies store dedicated to providing the locals of Michigan an organic and holistic alternative to pet food for your dogs and cats. Check out our website to order online today!