A Guide to Ensuring Your Pet’s Safety on St. Patrick’s Day

Ah, St. Patrick’s Day. It’s the day of the patron saint of Ireland, who lived in the fifth century and died on March 17.

While it is a centuries-old holiday steeped in tradition, it has become synonymous with the color green, shamrocks, leprechauns, and alcohol. When you combine all of these things, you have the makings of quite a fun day.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to celebrate safely to ensure your pets remain at peace. Keep the following tips in mind to ensure your dogs or cats do not get into anything they shouldn’t.

Pets and Alcohol Don’t Mix

Always remember that you should never give your pets alcohol. This is extremely dangerous for them because it can lead to liver failure and other serious injuries. In addition, even small doses can lead to respiratory failure in an animal.

Watch Out for the Grass

Although grass is good for pets, as it is for us, your pet may get into some grass on St. Patrick’s Day that is not so good—like the type that has been sprayed with products that are toxic to pets.

Be Aware of Your Pet’s Health

If you are hosting a St. Patrick’s Day celebration, ensure that your pets are up-to-date on all the proper immunizations. This will help ensure that they can safely enjoy the festivities along with the rest of the family.

Plan Early

Be sure to plan so that you are prepared to keep your pets out of harm’s way. For example, you may wish to take your pooch to a grooming salon so that they will be thoroughly clean and comfortable when around your guests.

You may also want to plan a quiet day for your pets on the holiday, so you know they will be safe at home.

Know Your Pet’s Preferences

Pets have their personalities and ways of doing things. If you have a dog or cat that is used to a certain routine and would prefer to stay home on St. Patrick’s Day, try to accommodate them.

Even if you may be disappointed that your pet will not attend the festivities with you and the rest of the family, it is far better than putting your pet in danger.

Identify Your Pet’s Limits

Pets are not like humans. They have limitations, and they know them. On St. Patrick’s Day, if your pet starts to get into anything that might lead to trouble, be sure to redirect them.

Ensure Your Pet Is Spayed or Neutered

If you have cats, be sure to get them spayed or neutered, as this will keep your home safe. In addition, it is better for them because if they are spayed or neutered, the risk of them getting into fights with other cats goes down.


The rules of pet care during the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day are easy to remember and follow, but sometimes you may have a question about whether or not an action is appropriate. If you have questions about pet care, we encourage you to ask your veterinarian. They will be happy to answer your queries and help you prevent problems before they occur.

If you are looking for pet supplies in Chelsea, check out Wags to Wiskers. We are a pet supplies store that focuses on natural pet foods for dogs, cats, and other animals. Order today!