Tips to Keep Your Pets Healthy and Happy During the Spring

Spring is officially here, which means that more and more people are coming out of hibernation and spending more and more time outside. In addition, they are spending more and more time with their pets. As a responsible pet owner, you can take a few simple steps to keep your pet healthy. Pets are part of your family, after all. You can keep them healthy by protecting them from the heat of summer by following these tips.

Tips to Keep Your Pets Healthy and Happy During the Spring

1 - Never Leave Your Pet in a Parked Car

This is a no-brainer and a pet owner's first line of defense against the spring heat. Leaving pets in a parked car is not only inhumane, but it can lead to serious health concerns. Remember, it only takes a few minutes for the internal temperature of a parked car to skyrocket. So keep your pets home as much as possible and when you do take them out, remember to take them out of the car, put them on a leash and take them with you.

2 - Keep Pets Indoors

Of course, this isn't always possible. If you have to leave your pets outside, however, be sure that they have plenty of shade, water, and ventilation. The only time you should ever leave your pet outside is if they have plenty of shade or a small shelter and you plan to be out there with them. And always make sure your pets have plenty of fresh water.

3 - Give Them Plenty of Water

Speaking of water, it's important to keep your pet hydrated. Spring in Texas is a time of new growth, and new growth means more flowers. Your pet may be tempted to sample the new growth, but some flowers are poisonous. So while your pet will probably benefit from more attention than they usually get, try not to make too many changes just yet. In addition, if you haven't already, consider installing pet-safe fencing around your yard so that your pet can roam freely without fear of getting lost.

4 - Make Sure They're Current on Their Needs

Your pet needs to have regular checkups, just like you do. During the spring, you might notice that your pet has changed his or her behavior, and that's a sign that they need a checkup and their vaccinations updated. Schedule a visit to your veterinarian soon.

5 - Spay or Neuter Them

Spaying or neutering your pet is an important part of keeping them healthy. Your dog or cat won't be prone to disease or unwanted pregnancy when they are spayed or neutered. Plus, it will protect them from the heat of the spring.


As spring settles in, you'll need to continue to protect your pets from heat exhaustion just like you will yourself. The heat may be on, but that doesn't mean that you have to leave your pet at home. Springtime is a great time to spend with your pets, just like the fall. Just remember to keep your pets cool, hydrated, and protected the same way you would protect your family.

If you are looking for pet supplies to help protect your pets in spring, come to Wags to Wiskers. We are a community-based pet supplies store with a focus on natural, holistic pet foods, primarily for but not limited to dogs and cats.