8 Ways to get your Dog to Drink More Water

Did you know that about 80% of a dog’s body is water? Much like our own (I am a human, I swear), dogs need water as frequently or more frequently than humans. When you carry around all of that fur all of the time and if most of your diet consists of dry food, it’s extra important to be sure that your dog is drinking enough water. Drinking enough water will also aid in your dog’s digestion, circulatory system, brain function, and the health of its other vital organs.

So how do you get your dog to drink more, or enough water? The team at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies has come up with some ideas and tips that we think can get the job done for our southeast Michigan dog owners. Especially with the warmer summer weather in Ann Arbor, Chelsea, and Ludington, we understand the days and walks get longer and the air is getting hotter and hotter, so water consumption is even more important than ever.

8 Ways to get your Dog to Drink More Water!

Change the Water Often

You know it from your own experience, when you’re hot and tired and thirsty there are few things you crave and enjoy more than a drink of cool, refreshing water. Keep the water in your dog’s bowl fresh. Every dog has its quirks, so a reason they may not be drinking as much could simply be water temperature and pickiness.

Add Ice Cubes

An easy way to get your dog more excited drinking more water is to throw a few ice cubes on the floor, or in the water bowl. Chances are they will love chewing on them and they’re a great little snack for a hot day in Michigan.

Invest in a Pet Fountain

You might think this is an unnecessary purchase for your pup, but we’ve consistently seen dogs go for running/falling water rather than standing water when they’re thirsty. Consider those hot Ann Arbor days in the back yard with the hose running and the dog is loving it. Pet fountains keep the water cooler and cleaner. Ask a Wags to Wiskers associate about a pet water fountain next time you’re in a store.

Easily Accessible Water

Wags to Wiskers Get your Dog to Drink More Water

Put the water where they can get it - sounds like a no-brainer right? That’s because it is, and while it’s true that the water should most likely be on the floor, that’s not quite what we mean. Have you thought of putting out multiple bowls of water around the house, on different floors or in different common areas? Keeping water front of mind for your pup can make a difference in their drinking habits. One other thing to consider is raising the bowl to wrist/elbow height (especially for senior dogs) to put less stress on their bodies when they drink.

Take Water To Go

Just because you’re going on a walk doesn’t mean you can’t take the water with you. Next time you’re at Wags to Wiskers in Chelsea, ask an associate about our on-the-go means and methods. We have a number of easy to carry products that make keeping your dog hydrated a piece of cake.

Offer a Variety of Bowls

Just like with foods and toys, dogs can get bored. Some may like a more sturdy bowl, or a copper bowl, while others may prefer stainless steel or glass. Consider switching a style to make them think it may be something other than water you’re putting in there! You may have a favorite mug or glass, and your dogs have preferences as well. Come see what we have in store at Wags to Wiskers.

Add Water to Dry Food

Especially in older dogs that are losing their teeth, having issues digesting their food, or are being instructed to eat their food more slowly, adding water to their breakfast and dinner can help in all of these areas. Chances are they won’t be too picky about lapping up their favorite food-flavored water once they’re done gulping down their new breakfast slushy.

Make the Water More Enticing

If all else fails, add some flavoring to your water! At Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies, we recommend Michigan dog owners to add something like low-sodium chicken broth, or even frozen watermelon treats to make the water more palatable.

A lot of people believe that dogs drink what they need, but in reality they drink what they are given and sometimes they’re aren’t big fans of what we give them! Consider switching up the variables you can control with their water, and if they continue to not drink water we recommend sharing your experiences and concerns with a professional veterinary doctor.