Is It Safe to Give Your Pets CBD and Other CBD Questions

Many people are aware of the benefits of CBD for humans. However, people are not the only ones who can benefit from CBD. It is said that cats and dogs can benefit from CBD as well. To learn more about this, keep on reading to learn more.

Is CBD Safe for Cats and Dogs?

Many people are skeptical about CBD because they do not know if it is safe for their animals. Thankfully, CBD is usually safe for most pets.

Pet owners need to be more concerned about the amount of CBD their pet is taking. If the pet is taking a minimal amount of CBD, it is safe. The CBD will not cause any health problems. It’s best to find out how much CBD is safe for your pet before you start giving it to them.

Many pet owners have gotten a CBD product for their pets to help them deal with anxiety and pain. It can also help a pet have a better quality of life.

What Are the Benefits of CBD for Pets?

You can get many benefits if you give CBD to your pets. The more knowledge you have about the benefits, the more likely you will have better results.

Anxiety and Stress Relief

There are many reasons why an animal may suffer from anxiety. Stress can be a severe problem for pets, whether because of past trauma or something else.

Giving your pet CBD can help to alleviate their anxiety. They might not be able to tell you how much of a difference CBD has made in their life, but you can certainly tell.

Pain Relief

Even if your pet isn’t affected by anxiety issues, they may still be affected by pain. Many pets can suffer from arthritis. If this is the case, then CBD can reduce their pain.

Reduces Inflammation

CBD can also reduce inflammation in your pet. This can help your pet to recover from injuries more quickly. If you have a pet that doesn’t get injured very often, they will still benefit from less inflammation in their body.

There are also many other benefits of CBD, such as helping with digestion and whatnot. However, those mentioned above are the most common benefits that your pet will get from CBD.

How Will Pets React to CBD?

Pets usually have very different reactions to CBD than humans do. The most common response is that they will simply sit around and chill. This is because CBD has a relaxing effect on pets.

Some pets will get very hyperactive when they take CBD. This leads you to wonder whether or not CBD could have adverse effects on the pet. However, these effects disappear as soon as the CBD wears off.

Talking to Your Veterinarian About CBD

Talking to your veterinarian first is essential when you think about using CBD on your pet. The veterinarian will be able to tell you more about the benefits of CBD for your particular pet. They will also be able to help you find the best CBD for your pet.

If your vet is not familiar with using CBD on pets, they can help refer you to another vet. It is always good to talk to a veterinary professional before giving your pet anything new.


There are many benefits to giving CBD to your pet. It is good for their health, and it can help them live a better quality of life. Many pet owners have already started using CBD for their pets, and they love it. However, it is important to talk to your vet before using CBD on your pet. This will ensure that your pet will be healthy and safe.

If you want to try giving your pet CBD treats or CBD oil, you can purchase from Wags to Wiskers. We are a pet supplies store focused on providing natural and holistic pet food and other products to ensure that your furry friend gets the best. Shop from us by dropping by at our location or sending us an email. Our products are available in Ann Arbor, Chelsea, and Ludington.