4 Tips for Pets in Quarantine

4 Tips for Pets in Quarantine

Here in Michigan with Governor Whitmer’s shelter-in-place order being extended until at least he end of April, it’s become clear that many people and pets are spending more time together than ever before. That might be the only benefit of the COVID-19 pandemic, but might not be seen as a great thing for our Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies customers in Michigan, depending on how they and their pets are dealing with it.

Nonetheless, as your local pet supplies store, we’re going to think of it as a good thing and help you manage it with 4 tips for pets in quarantine due to the coronavirus. All of this extra time with your pets can be great for the emotional health of both parties, and it can reduce anxiety which is a huge positive in times like these.

However, it’s important to remember the health of not just our pet parents but our furry family members as well. We’re providing 4 tips for pets in quarantine to help you keep your fur family happy, healthy, and safe while you are helping us flatten the curve in Michigan.

1. Don’t overfeed!


Have you noticed any weight changes in your pet when you began working from home? What about in yourself? 😲 It’s not uncommon that in adjusting to work from home, you are significantly closer to the fridge and pantry than you’re used to being while at work. Reaching for snacks and food when you’re bored, rather than hungry, is a common side effect of working from home when you’ve converted your dining room into a home office.

With almost 60% of domesticated pets classified as obese, this trend can apply to our furry family members as well. Paying more attention to their food intake is a good idea, and here are some easy strategies to help:

  • Keep a whiteboard tracking when and what you’ve fed your pets for the day. Don’t forget to add treats and snacks to it!

  • You can use the calendar app or a reminder app on your phone to adhere to a feeding schedule

  • If you’re sharing pet food duties with roommates, family members, or new “coworkers,” make sure to communicate frequently to avoid double-feeding time (even if your dog would love it!)

For pet food needs in Ann Arbor, visit us, your local pet supplies shop, at 2270 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103. For pet food in the Chelsea, MI area, stop by Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies at 1192 S. Main St, Chelsea, MI, 48118. And last but not least, we are serving the Ludington area with pet supplies and you can find us at 4815 W. US-10, Ludington, MI, 49431.

2. Stay on Schedule

For humans and pets in quarantine, adjusting to new schedules can be tough. Pets, and humans, find comfort in routines, and major alterations to their standard regimens and days can result in dietary issues, elevated stress levels, or hormonal imbalances.

If you can, try to maintain the same schedule your pets had while you weren’t working from home. If that’s not possible, see if there’s a middle ground available rather than altering everything. It’s also important to consider what will happen when eventually this quarantine is lifted. If you have gotten your pet into a new habit of playing every morning when you normally would be at work, that will be a tough adjustment when you do return to work.

If you have to make a new schedule, it’s important to try to stick to it as much as you can to best benefit your pets in quarantine. When you stick to the new schedule, they will begin to pick it up and adjust to the new normal. If you need unique help regarding your pet’s new routine or feeding schedule, please reach out to us or call the store to speak with a staff member. Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies is the best place for pet supplies, pet food, pet toys, and additional resources, help, advice, and knowledge. We are happy to help!

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3. Stay up to date on veterinary practices

Depending on the timing, your pet may not have gone to the veterinary office while in quarantine for a scheduled checkup or otherw reason. Even if you haven’t and don’t have anything scheduled for the next few months, it’s important to have an understanding of the new adjustments and standards that are happening at your local veterinary office.

Most veterinary offices remain operational but have began measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as curbside pickup, basic televeterinary services, and more. We recommend you reach out to your veterinary office to find out exactly what they’re doing.

It’s important to keep a plan on how you’ll be able to take care of your pet if they get injured or sick while in quarantine. It’s also important for you to have a care-plan in the event of you falling seriously ill. We recommend that you leave instructions for a family member or close friend on how to take care of your pets in the event that you have to stay in the hospital in isolation. For starters, see this list:

  • Disinfecting paws or fur if necessary

  • Where the food is, or where it can be purchased at a local pet supplies store like Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies

  • Arrangements for short- or long-term boarding

  • Special needs such as toys, medicine, habits, diet, etc.

4. Keeping pets entertained in quarantine

Keeping your pets entertaining might be the toughest part of quarantine! Those energetic puppies and kittens will be demanding all of your attention. You can shop for dog toys and cat toys at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies in Ann Arbor, Chelsea, or Ludington, Michigan. We also have toys and stuffing for canine enrichment and engagement activities that can keep your pups occupied for several hours.

We also encourage you to find ways to get your pets some exercise indoors, such as:

  • Frequent playtime with their favorite toys

  • Bubble-blowing toys

  • Laser pointers

  • Watching animal-related TV shows

For more ideas, resources, toys, and local pet supplies nearby, call your local Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies today and speak with an associate to see if we have what your pet needs.


As a local pet supply store in Ann Arbor, Chelsea, and Ludington, we know that our responsibilities at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies are even more necessary than ever before. We also know that COVID-19 is a frightening reality that we’re in, especially if you’re caring for your pets at home. It is our hope that these 4 tips for pets in quarantine will help you and your pets quickly adjust to stay safe and healthy during these times.

For pet supplies and resources, questions, accessories, and more in Michigan, please contact us at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies. You can also order by email online for curbside pickup. Stay home, stay safe, we are with you!