4 Factors Affecting the Duration of CBD Effects in Pets

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is one of the substances found in marijuana. It is an essential component of medical marijuana, directly sourced from the hemp plants. Aside from its beneficial effects on human health, it is also a substance known to help balance animal health while keeping it in a normal and healthy state.

However, similar to CBD products for humans, the effects of CBD in animals do not take effect immediately and only last for a couple of hours. But which factors should pet owners observe in knowing how long the CBD effects stay in the body? Here are some ideas.

1. Metabolism

The rate at which an animal’s body metabolises CBD will determine how long its effects will last within its system. If the animal’s metabolism is slow, then the effects of CBD may last longer. On the other hand, faster metabolisers will experience a more rapid rate of cannabinoid metabolism.

The speed of metabolism, which is the conversion of food into energy, is a factor everyone should consider for getting the effects of CBD to last a little longer. In general, dogs and cats are quick metabolisers, so the effects of CBD in the body may become less noticeable after a couple of hours if administered to the animal.

2. Absorption

The absorption of CBD in the body is another factor to consider, specifically in the digestive tract. The absorption of CBD by the body is dependent on the presence of fatty acids. The more fatty acids present within the digestive tract, the faster the absorption of CBD. Similarly, if the pet is hungry and the CBD is administered on an empty stomach, it will absorb more quickly.

The absence of fatty acids within the body might simply cause the CBD to pass through the digestive tract. It will make the effects of oral CBD less potent and effective, and the results may be non-existent or reversed.

3. Dosage

Another factor pet owners should take into consideration is the dosage of CBD. Despite the rapid metabolism of CBD, the effects of a small dose may last longer than larger doses. A large amount of CBD will pass through the system and not be metabolised.

It goes the same for the absorption of CBD. A large dose of CBD may cause too much of the substance to pass through the system instead of being absorbed by the body. The amount of CBD taken is also dependent on the dosage of CBD used in the product. For example, pet owners may carry a higher dose of CBD for their pets if the product is not of the exact dosage.

4. Potency

Pet owners should also consider the potency of the CBD product they buy. A product with a higher concentration of CBD will have more powerful effects. The strength of the CBD product also determines how long it will be effective.

As stated earlier, a CBD product with a higher potency may have a faster absorption rate into the body, but it will also be less effective because the doses are too much for the body to handle. It is a good thing that pet owners are not putting too much of a good thing into their pets.


CBD oil for pets is a safe and effective treatment for various health issues in animals. However, you must understand the characteristics of CBD so that you can make the best out of its usage. Knowing how long it takes to work in the body is essential, and familiar with the factors that could affect its potency.

Wags to Wiskers is a holistic pet store in Ludington. We offer the best pet supplies in the area, ranging from pet food to accessories. Our goal is to promote holistic care for pets and inspire pet owners to give only the best for their beloved animals. Check out the best treats for cats near you on our website today.