5 Fun Activities You Can Do to Celebrate National Pet Week

Pets are treasures that bring joy and love to their families. Whether they are a service animal, a pet therapist, a family member, or a companion, they are always worth celebrating. Though it is important to shower them with love every day, here’s a reason to bring the partying to the next level—National Pet Week.

In the first week of May, make the most of the occasion and plan out fun activities to do with your pet. Here are some ideas to get you started.

1. Exercise with Your Furry Friend

A regular exercise schedule can help your pet better cope with stress and improve your relationship. However, it is not always easy to come up with a routine, especially if you are busy with work and other responsibilities.

During National Pet Week, you can make it a point to find ways to make exercise more fun and exciting. Think of ways to incorporate exercise into your daily household routine. Choose your pet’s favorite toys and play games with them every day. If they like to chase, try throwing their favorite toy around the house. If they like to run fast, try taking long walks with them.

2. Bring Your Pet for a Check-up with Their Vet

Your pet can’t tell you if they are in pain or not, which makes it your responsibility to go to your vet for regular check-ups. Adopting a pet is just like adopting a baby—you will have to take care of them for the rest of their life. This means that you should always be concerned about their health.

So, ask your vet about your pet’s weight and if they are fit enough to be around other animals. Be sure that they also have their shots and vaccines up to date. Most vets will also be happy to advise on any necessary changes in their diet and habits.

3. Go on a Road Trip with Your Fur Baby

May is also the best time to visit new places. If you have a pet, there are lots of places you can go with them. National parks and animal sanctuaries are great places to go if you want just to relax and breathe in the fresh air. On the other hand, if you are fond of the ocean, check out the shoreline to discover new spots.

Bring your furry friend with you if you are planning a road trip. Make sure that they are comfortable in their carrier, which should be big and cozy enough to feel safe. If you are staying overnight with your pet, always remember to check for pet-friendly hotels.

4. Get a Pet Portrait

Create a photo or a painting of your pet. You can either have a professional do it or paint it yourself. This will allow you to put a little piece of you and your pet in your home, and it is something you can look at every day with great fondness.

5. Pamper Your Pet with a Grooming Session

Pets are like humans — they can get stressed out, and they need pampering too! Bathe your pet, give them a massage, treat them to a manicure, or get their fur dyed. The options are endless when it comes to pet spa treatments.

If you are not too keen on bathing them, then you can opt to take them to a dog groomer instead. Dog groomers make sure that your dog is as clean as possible without causing them pain.

Final Thoughts

While it is evident that you always love your pet, it is always nice to give them extra attention once in a while. So, do something special for your furry companion during National Pet Week and make them feel extra special!

Bring your furry friends to Wags to Wiskers and celebrate National Pet Week. Let them pick out their favorite treats and pet supplies from our holistic pet store in Ann Arbor. We also have in-store pet grooming services for a pet pamper session. Message us today to book a schedule or drop by our store!